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Top 5 Kibble Brands To Try For A New Dog

dog kibble

Stop me if you’ve heard or thought one of these before: 

“I just got a new dog and I have no idea what to feed him/her, only that I want to feed them healthier food than they were getting before.”

“My dog is bored with their kibble, they won’t eat it as much, I think I should change it, but there are so many brands out there…”

“I’ve decided that since my dog is getting older, they should only get the best of the best dog food.”

I’ve been there

There are countless pet food brands out there today, all competing for your business, and it can be pretty daunting to try and make heads or tails of which one to go with. Maybe you have that lingering question: which is the best kibble brand for dogs?

Well I hate to break it to you, there is no such thing as the best kibble for dogs (or cats either). It’s just not that simple!

Dogs are all quite unique in digestive and nutritional needs, much like humans. Don’t let any of these companies’ marketing teams fool you – the best kibble for dogs is the formula that works best for the animal individually. This means some trial and error.

So how can I possibly give you recommendations?

Well, I certainly CAN’T make any promises or provide any professional medical advice, but I CAN suggest kibbles that I’ve noticed are largely well received by pets I see every day, and through my own research, I believe are honest brands I would and have felt safe trying.

Here are my personal top 5 best kibble for dogs to try out:

[remember, I’m only one member of the HPNW team, I bet each member and the owners would have different picks]

As a small but important note, when trying new foods or shifting your dog’s diet in general, It’s always good practice to do so gradually. Sudden changes in diet can upset a dog’s stomach, and be misinterpreted as bad food.

1. Lotus

I jokingly refer to Lotus as the “real good stuff” in person because well… It’s my personal favorite! Baked at lower temperatures, Lotus preserves much of the nutritionally rich elements of the wide range of proteins and formulas they offer.

That said, Lotus can be kinda pricey for the average pet owner (especially if you have a larger dog). Regardless, their products are terrific!

2. Open Farm

Open Farm is unique to me in the value of the ingredients they include before even mixing together the formula and preparing it into kibble. For example, the beef formula kibble for dogs with or without ancient grains is made with wagyu beef. You read that right. Your dog could eat better than I do on a daily basis!

Open farm is somewhat comparable to Lotus in price in my experience, but also incredibly nutritious.

3. PureVita

One of the most common concerns I hear when greeting customers who are looking to pick a food brand is that their companion has a sensitivity, and they’ve been trying a bunch of different brands, and are feeling a little flummoxed.

This is usually when I suggest PureVita, a product of the larger brand, NutriSource. PureVita in my opinion is the closest formula of kibble you’ll get to a simple-diet (when your vet suggests briefly feeding your dog simple food like plain cooked rice and plain chicken pieces). Their formulas are GREAT for weeding out what’s causing the problem, but more importantly, what could be the solution.

4. FirstMate

I’m pretty nervous with big box brands of dog food (I won’t name them but you know the ones I’m talking about), partially because they have a penchant for occasionally shifting up the ingredients in their kibbles. 

FirstMate (also responsible for Kasiks) in my experience, has been extremely versatile and stable. While there are plenty of proteins and formulas to shift in between, I’m never concerned one of their formulas will suddenly make my dog sick or itchy.

5. Fromm

Fromm is, in my opinion, a great basic dog food brand. They don’t overwhelm you with so many flavors, but rather focus on making a very sturdy, and often well received line of simple recipes. They’re a staple and have a great track record for adult kibble.

Those are my favorite 5 picks. What are yours? Hit Healthy Pets Northwest up on Twitter or Instagram, and get a conversation going! You never know, we might carry something you’ve heard of and wanted to try.

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