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Winter Tips For PDX Doggies This Holiday

winter dog

It’s finally here, fellow Portlandiers! Winter is upon us, and the cold and rain are coming in quick.

Winter in Oregon can be absolutely beautiful, however there’s a catch: With cold weather, we’ve gotta keep a closer eye on our pets’ health!

We can forget how easy it is for us to adjust our own comfort level with gloves and sweaters. Our best furry friends don’t have the luxury and can have trouble adapting sometimes!

Here are a few winter tips for PDX doggies this year:

Please stay safe, warm and dry out there this year! We know it’s the start of a new year after an extraordinarily hard one, and we hope this upcoming one is much better. The first step is making sure our best friends are safe!

If you are concerned at all about your doggos paws when it comes to cold (or hot) weather, come in to one of our locations and ask an associate about different types of dog boots, gloves and socks!

As the month goes on we’ll update our Twitter with more winter tips for PDX doggies, be sure to follow us!

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